Rabbitry Love

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«  July 2024  »
When deciding on having a rabbit as a pet, you have to think if it is the right pet for you. Some things to think about when making this decision is:
  • Make sure no one in the family is allergic to rabbit hair.
  • Indoor rabbits need a cage that could be quite expensive and take up space.
  • Outdoor rabbits need a weather-tight housing and safely fenced play area.
  • Are you up to picking up occasional droppings from the floor?
  • Are you willing to let your rabbit run free for some time everyday?
  • Rabbits live up to 8 years or more which requires a long commitment on your part.
  • Do you have other pets that may not be compatible with a rabbit?
  • Will you have time to give your rabbit daily attention?

One or a Pair?
       Single rabbits require more attention. However rabbits can be happier living in pairs. Siblings from the same litter are the best choice.  Pairs make good companions as long as you have the buck neutered as soon as possible. Two does will get along with each other very well. Two bucks will get along with each other too but will have to both be neutered as soon as possible as they will become aggressive after reaching maturity.

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